Ripley has spent nearly 20 years working across healthcare at the intersection of technology and strategy.

Currently Chief Strategy Officer at IntelyCare, a nurse-staffing platform, Ripley has held leadership roles in Real World Data and several healthcare technology-enabled services businesses, as well as in corporate venture capital with Philips Ventures.

Earlier in his career, Ripley was a Principal with the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Healthcare and Strategy practices. Ripley holds an MBA with high distinction from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and a BA in Economics from Colby College.

Based in the greater Boston area, Ripley enjoys spending time with his wife and two children, Cooper (12) and Grace (15). Cooper is a five-year Medulloblastoma survivor. Ripley serves as a Board Director of the Carson Leslie Foundation in honor of Cooper’s fight.

Ripley Martin

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